Sunday, February 12, 2012

Missing Peter the Rabbit

I had a pet rabbit which I adopted from a school that no longer wanted him.  At first I was hesitant and did not know if I could take care of him so I decided to Litter train him to make him more adoptable.  In the end I fell in love with him and our love affair began :) I had him for a long time and he behaved very well.  Sometimes getting into mischief but for the most part content to be by    himself.  I always wanted to hold him but he rather  I only pet him.  Pretty much he was either lounging in my room next to me or hiding underneath my bed.  He got a tumor one year and I was afraid it was cancer but I was so relieved when it was not.  Ironically a year later I got Thyroid Cancer but that is another story :(  Peter Kept me company during the most hardest times in my life.  When I put him to sleep it broke my heart.  I miss his hopping around my room and begging me for treats.  He taught me many life lessons and one of them was to Love unconditionally.  It may sound Crazy but Try as I may he only let me hold him when he wanted to.  At first I resented this because I swear I was going to turn him into a lap bunny LOL.  Later I understood his personality (yes I know.... it sounds unbelievable but they have personalities) and let him be.  One day when the time is right I believe I will adopt again.  I can't wait to blog about the process.   Not that many people know what it entails to care for a bunny and while it can be somewhat challenging it also can be just as rewarding (for the right Bunny Mom or Dad).  Research it and consider Adopting a bunny.

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